Building An A.I. Lead Magnet

In this video, Javi demonstrates how to easily create a lead magnet or quiz using FormWise. The video showcases the process of building a tool that collects user data and generates leads.

Creating AI Lead Magnets with FormWise

  1. Setting up the Tool

    • Create a simple tool with multiple-choice questions.

    • Collect email at the end for lead generation and customer identification.

    • Customize the tool to fit your niche or business needs.

  2. Building the Tool

    • Use the rubric to assign points to each answer.

    • Include line breaks to separate instructions in the prompt.

    • Map questions and answers accordingly.

    • Add instructions for end results and actions.

    • Utilize GPT-4 for the tool and save the prompt.

  3. Embedding the Tool

    • Obtain a webhook for integration with CRM (e.g., GoHighLevel or Zapier).

    • Embed the tool on a landing page using the embed code.

    • Configure settings to display results and set up webhooks for data transfer.

  4. Integrating with CRM

    • Set up a workflow in the CRM (e.g., GoHighLevel) to trigger actions based on the webhook.

    • Map data fields (e.g., email) from the tool to CRM for lead management.

    • Customize email responses based on AI results and user inputs.

  5. Testing and Delivery

    • Test the tool to ensure proper functionality.

    • Review email responses and adjust formatting as needed.

    • Consider redirecting users after completion to a thank you page and delivering results via email.

  6. Sales Opportunities

    • Explore prompt chaining and dynamic nurture campaigns.

    • Create AI lead magnets for various purposes, such as career coaching.

    • Offer lead magnet creation services to clients using FormWise.

  7. Future Developments

    • FormWise is continuously improving features for lead magnet creation.

    • Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements to support users in building effective lead magnets.

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