Free Resources

Below you will find some templates and strategies to best position your AI selling offer.

This guide is mainly for HighLevel users that are bundling their FormWise tools with their CRM, marketing services, consulting, or courses. Many of this information is applicable to those that use other coaching platfroms like Kajabi, Upcoach,, among others as their gating enviroment for giving access of their AI tools built with FormWise to their end paid users.

Step 1. Importing These Funnels Into Your HighLevel

Installing your new AI tool templates into a HighLevel subaccount is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth setup. If you are not a HighLevel user, you can sign up for a 30-day trial here.

Step 1: Make sure you are logged into your agency before clicking the share link. You may need to login through the main using your login.

Step 2: Open a new tab, and "click" or "copy and paste" the link it into your browser

Step 3: Select the locations you wish to add this template to. (Up to 3 locations)

Please Note

Importing may take a few mins to complete. Please give it a few secs before refreshing your page. When importing funnels or websites please note that Forms, Surveys or any lead capture will NOT be transferred and will need to be setup. These funnels have a checkout, so you will need to add the product to the checkout page (1st step of the funnel)

AI Coaching Niche SaaS Funnel Preview Link: AI Keto Meal Planner SaaS Funnel

Preview Link: 27 AI Tools For $27 SaaS Offer Funnel

Preview Link:

We recommend making these funnels more unique by adding your branding, an explainer video (A Loom will work great), and even embedding a preview of your AI tools on the page like here. You can also find free custom icons on

Understanding Value Ladder

A value ladder is a marketing concept that involves offering products or services in a sequence, starting with the most accessible (usually the least expensive or a free offer, in this case an AI offer) and gradually moving up to more premium, higher-priced offerings. The idea is to first engage customers with a low-risk offer and then progressively introduce them to more valuable and expensive products or services. This approach helps in building trust and demonstrating value at each step, increasing the likelihood of customers purchasing higher-priced items.

Here's how the AI tool offers could be used in a value ladder to engage customers in a more profitable funnel or sales engagement:

Entry Point - Free or Low-Cost AI Tool Offer: Start with a free trial or a low-cost version of your AI tool. This entry-level offer is designed to attract a broad audience with minimal risk. The tool should provide enough value to give users a taste of the benefits and potential of your product.

Second Tier - Full Version of AI Tool: Once users experience the benefits of the free or low-cost version, offer them the full version of the AI tool. This version includes more features and capabilities, providing greater value. The jump in price is justified by the significantly enhanced functionality and results that the tool offers.

Third Tier - Additional Services or Tools: After customers have seen the effectiveness of the AI tool, introduce them to additional services or tools that complement what they already have. This could include advanced AI features, additional marketing services, or integration services. These add-ons provide a more comprehensive solution, addressing a wider range of the customer’s needs.

Top Tier - High-Value Offerings: The top of the value ladder includes your most premium offerings. This could be a white-label version of your software, a complete marketing suite, or a personalized consulting service. These high-ticket items offer the most value and are targeted at the most engaged and invested portion of your customer base.

By using the AI tools as the first step in your value ladder, you can attract a wide range of customers and gradually move them up the ladder towards more profitable offerings. Each step provides more value, building trust and encouraging customers to invest in higher-priced, higher-value options. This approach not only increases the lifetime value of each customer but also creates a more sustainable and profitable business model.

Strategies For Getting Sales

Run A Free Webinar With Secret Offer (Prerecorded For Scalability)

Webinars are a powerful tool for engaging and converting your audience. Create a compelling webinar that showcases the benefits of your AI tools. Make it pre recorded so you can reach a wider audience without the constraints of live events. You can use your AI Niche SaaS offer as a downsell if the webinar is more profitable for high ticket events. The goal is to get people in your value ladder / ecosystem. Examples of a webinar like this could be a workshop style webinar where you teach your ideal attendees how to do something the AI toolkit does. (e.g How To Make The Best Keto Meals With Ingredients You Have At Home - Webinar!)

Niche SEO For Niche AI Tool (Long Term)

Leverage the power of SEO to attract organic traffic to your AI tool. By focusing on niche-specific keywords and content, you can rank higher in search engine results, driving long-term traffic and sales. Depending on your niche, and just how niche it is, you can likely capture organic rankings for “XYZ AI Tool” or “AI Tool For XYZ” quickly by making YouTube & Blogs with those keywords.

These AI Tools Can Add MRR But That’s Not The Point Use your AI tools as an entry point in a value ladder for high-ticket items like White Label GHL SaaS. Offer these tools as an affordable and valuable first step to introduce clients to your larger suite of services.

Delegating Access & Gating Your Tool

Embedding in Membership Portals

So someone just decided to purchase your niche AI offer, awesome. Now how do you deliver the tool? If you’re simply selling a niche B2C AI offer like a tool that someone can make meal plans, workout plans, etc, where the end user is not likely to be a white label HighLevel end user, then we recommend gating it within a membership portal like HighLevel’s membership feature. You will create the product, and simply embed the tool inside one of the lessons. This is great if you’re pairing the AI tool with a course. You can automate the sign ups and delegating / revoking access by using HighLevel’s workflows. The trigger would be “Order Submitted” for your product in the funnel. You would then grant the membership offer action to the person that just submitted the order. This is happening in one workflow. The end user that purchases will then get a system login complete with their email and password to access the product where your tool or toolkit is embed. Below is a training video on how to do this (embedding).

Embedding Your AI Tool In HighLevel's Membership Section (

Additionally, you can technically do this with Workflows to delegate access to other membership platforms via a webhook action that sends an API Post call to the platform like Kajabi, Upcoach, etc to create the account info and send login details. The action within the HighLevel workflow would be “Post Webhook”.

Embedding in iFrame HighLevel Custom Menu Link Settings

If you’re selling an AI offer as a lead magnet or self liquidating offer, then you’ll want to have a custom SaaS Configurator system like Tom Bristol’s where you can create custom SaaS HL Plans that come with specific iFrames in the toolkit. This is the easiest way we’ve found to sell Micro niche SaaS subaccounts. You’re simply using HighLevel’s gating environment to sell these offers. Now of course, you can pair the AI tool with other features like the social planner, reporting, forms, etc to create unique vertical niche offers.

Step 1. Create a custom SaaS plan with the GHL Customizer that has the iFrame and removes all other features (unless you want it paired with other features). Step 2. Add that SaaS plan product to your funnel. Step 3. Sit back and enjoy. When someone purchases, GHL will send them their SaaS account login details. This is also awesome because the account is already created and if they ever need to upgrade, you can simply give them access to the extra features in a few clicks.

The only other way to do this is by manually adding the iFrame. On the FormWise Agency level, you’ll also get the feature where you can make your end user (subaccount owner) enter their OpenAI keys if you want to pass that off to them as well. It’s just an easier way to manage what toolsets your subaccounts get. Plus, they get to see and store their personal response history, even if everyone uses the same toolset.

You can explore other gating options on this blog here: How Gate & MONETIZE Your FormWise AI Tools [Case Study Inside] | FormWise.AI

100 AI Prompts For HighLevel Agencies & Marketers

100 AI Prompts For HighLevel Agencies & Marketers

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