Using Prompt Chaining Overview

In this video, "Personalities" is now "Prompts" in the new UI.

Prompt chaining is a powerful addition to FormWise which allows you to take the results of one Personality or Prompt and feed the result into another Prompt to generate additional information. This is incredibly useful when using webhooks to use the information elsewhere.

Prompt chaining is only available on Pro or Enterprise level plans.

To use prompt chaining, you must navigate to the "Prompt Chaining" section of the Form editor which can be found within the Components panel on the left.

Within this tab, you can add a new personality by clicking on the "Personality" button.

In the Prompt Chaining section, you will always have an initial personality which is by default visible. If you are not Prompt Chaining then you do not need to add any additional personalities here.

When modifying a personality, you have the option to choose either any of the prior step's AI results, or to use any of the input fields that you have created.

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